Tuesday, October 15, 2013

CHAPEL SERIES: Jesus In A World Of Options

What significance does Jesus have for atheists, humanists, Buddhists, Muslims & Hindus?

Urban Cry Community Chapel Series:

Tuesdays @10:30 from Oct 15 to Nov 12

* Martin Froelich
*Timothy Keller
* Rielly McLaren
*Frank Juelich

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

UCSM Schedule

Hello All!! I am please to be contacting you with what our school schedule will be like this fall.

The school will be open from 9am-5pm every Tuesday. I would encourage you all to come and be apart of the community that will be happening here. It will be great to gather and study together (and maybe have some fun.. who knows).

At 9am, Pastor Ed will be teaching Soteriology for those that want to take part in that.

Then at 10:30 we will be having chapel every week. I hope that chapel can be a place where we come to grow and learn together and just share whats on our hearts. I think this would be the most beneficial time for us as students.

If you have any other questions please let me know! My email is andrew_nsc@cogeco.net


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Watch this video to see what UCSM is all about.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Do you have a desire to get involved in urban ministry and wonder where you can go to prepare in a meaningful way?

Finally, there is a Canadian opportunity to do urban missions with an academic component.

Contact us if you would like more information.

Danielle Meloche
519 971 7664